Friday, February 5, 2010

Capture their world of energy

Ahhh! Life with a preschooler. New skills, new questions, new activities, new friends. It can be downright exhausting! But you learn to embrace the emotional rollercoaster. Equilibruim: "I love you." "I love my hamster." "I love everything." Disequilibrium: "My shoelaces aren't right." "I hate salad." "I won't go to bed." (Do they still make shoes with shoelaces?)

You expect their world to be of opposites: conforming/rebelling; in-bounds/out-of-bounds; security/insecurity. But never underestimate the joy and the learning potential of their turn-on-a dime toggles from reality to fantasy. When you play with 3- and 4-year-olds, you really learn how to play. You don't pretend to be a princess or are a princess or pirate. The world magically transforms into a palace or a ship despite the uniformed eye seeing sofas and chairs.

As a grandma, I will not let the challenging aspects of a preschooler's growth and learning sap my energy. I plan to capture their world of energy and eagerness and lean into that imagination.

Silly and Creative
Take those beloved nursery rhymes and make them silly - adding new rhyming words to foster their listening acuity, sense of rhythm and phrases, and creativity. Future reader. Future musician.

Sing a Story, Sing a Transition, Sing a Chore
Use familiar melodies (e.g. Row, Row, Row Your Boat) or make one up, then add your own words. (e.g. Toys, toys, toys away; Now it's clean-up time; Quickly, neatly, that's the way; Soon you will be done.)

Dance and Move throughout the Day
Like princesses, like pirates, with happy feet, with angry feet. Fill the day with a wide variety of musical styles and join in the creative expression while building musical awareness and a wonderfully expressive and coordinated body. (Theirs and yours!)

-Carol Penney, Kindermusik educator and employee-owner

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