Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What you'll experience in Village class:
a. Variety of music. Musical diversity builds strong neural networks in a baby's forming mind, which is why each Kindermusik semester contains an array of styles, sounds, and genres.
b. Instrument play. Age-appropriate experiences with child-safe instruments enhances a sense of rhythm and steady beat, develops a keen awareness of the distinguishing qualities of sound, and encourages spontaneity and creativity.
c. Dance. A classroom full of baby and adult pairs dancing together helps a little body develop the muscle strength needed to crawl and walk and helps a little heart to fall in love with the sheer joy of responding to music.
d. Together time. A Kindermusik class is truly the essence of "quality time," offering you a place to create special memories with your child, gain new insights into your child's development, and nurture your child's natural love of music.
e. Expert advice. A Kindermusik educator explains "what-to-watch-for" every step of the way and how each activity enhances your child's complete development
f. Learning continues at home. With the home materials, the learning continues at home with your child's best teacher-you!

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